Mega Mart

Megamart is a leading retailer in South Korea for all your grocery and culinary needs. With roots dating back to 1981, it has come a long way to become a household name there, operating 14 successful stores. But its journey didn't stop there; in 2009, it made its grand debut in the US market with a store in the heart of Gwinnett.

Challenge: Low Customer Retention

They had an influx of one-time customers. But the issue was with retention. The customers were not coming back for more.

Low retention was causing a significant reduction in revenue.

Limited Serviceability

Mega mart was accessible solely through a desktop or mobile browser. This was particularly problematic for those customers who were always on-the-move. The process lacked the convenience and speed sought by many customers.

Low Customer Engagement

Without an app, engaging features such as personalized offers and loyalty programs were not delivering to their fullest potential. This lack of customer engagement subsequently intensified the challenge of brand loyalty and retention.

Inadequate User Experience

Users were confronted with cumbersome interfaces and complex navigation on their mobile devices. This predicament was largely due to the inherent "one-size-fits-all" nature of mobile browsers.

Get your mobile app

Mega Mart Mobile App Results

Higher ROI
Increase in Retention
Increase in AOV

Drive more sales from your Mobile Customers

No Coding Required
30 Day Free Trial
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Higher Conversions
Increase in AOV
ROI with Shop2App

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to launch the app?

Shop2app can be set up in no time. It will take 1 - 5 hours to set up the preview app.

From there it will take a few days to 2 weeks to get approved in the Google/Apple stores and have your mobile app available for download by your customers.

Can my Shopify Plus Store be converted to an Android and iOS app?

Yes Shop2app does exactly that! It converts your Shopify Plus Store into an easy-to-use & customer friendly mobile app!

Are the mobile app and Shopify store interconnected?

Yes! Your app will always be in real-time sync with your Shopify store. Products, collections, pricing, inventory & discounts are all updated in real time.

Do you help in designing the mobile app for my shopify store?

Sure thing! Our team will help you end-to-end in designing the app and launching it to both the App Store and Google Play Store with all your latest products and discounts!

Would I need a developer for setting up the app?

Nope! Our team will help you set it all up. You don’t need a developer at all to begin with. However if you do require some customizations, our team is happy to help with the process

Will my existing push notifications remain the same with Shop2App?

Yes, your push notifications will continue to work seamlessly with Shop2App, ensuring your communication with customers remains uninterrupted.

How does Shop2App handle pricing compared to Tapcart?

Shop2App offers fair and transparent pricing with no unexpected price hikes. You'll know exactly what you're paying for.

Can Shop2App integrate with other Shopify Apps?

Yes, Shop2App seamlessly integrates with Shopify Apps like Klaviyo, Recharge, Yotpo and several others.