Google Maps

Google Maps provides an Address Autocomplete feature that predicts the full address as you type, making it faster and easier to enter locations.

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About Google Maps Integration

Address prediction powered by Google will help you get your consumers through the checkout process as soon as possible. The feature is based on a combination of user location, search history, and machine learning algorithms that analyze the user's input to predict the most likely address.

Why do you need Google Maps on your mobile app?

Address Autocomplete uses text-based geographic search to locate your customers when they type in their address during checkout. Make it simple for customers to complete the checkout process, whether shipping to their home or business address or even nearby points of interest, and use automatic address validation to ensure that every order is delivered to the correct location.

Using Shop2app with Google Maps

  • Make the checkout experience quick, easy, and straightforward.
  • Predict your clients' addresses as they type them to save time and effort during the checkout process.
  • Reduce the amount of time it takes your clients to finish their orders.
  • Improve checkout conversions on your mobile app by establishing a clear path between ordering and checkout.