
Stamped is an e-commerce review and loyalty platform that assists you in establishing brand credibility by generating trust and giving your customers a voice. We are partners in your brand's growth with multiple product offerings that are easy to set up and use for you and your customers.

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About Stamped Integration-

Put a spotlight on your social proof and show your customers why you are amazing.

Why do you need Stamped on your mobile app?

Stamped is an e-commerce review and loyalty platform that assists you in establishing brand credibility by generating trust and giving your customers a voice. We are partners in your brand's growth with multiple product offerings that are easy to set up and use for you and your customers.

Using Shop2app with Stamped-

  • Get feedback from all your channels and moderate responses with ease.
  • Automate the collection of fresh reviews directly from your mobile app, and give every client a voice, no matter where they buy with you.
  • Display your finest items' ratings and reviews next to the products offered in your app to instill confidence in hesitant customers.